Fig. 2. Integrated biofilm devices using mesh electrodes.
a Schematic and actual photo (bottom) of a biofilm device. Scale bar, 0.5 mm. b Representative open-circuit voltage Vo (top) and short-circuit current Isc (bottom) from a device placed on a water surface (schematics). The device size was 5 × 5 mm2. c Vo (black) and Isc (red) from devices with respect to different porosities in the mesh electrodes. The pore size was kept 100 µm and the device sizes were 25 mm2. d Vo (black) and Isc (red) from devices with fixed porosity of 0.4 but varying pore sizes (from 1000 to 20 µm) in the mesh electrodes. The device sizes were 25 mm2. At the pore size of 20 µm, the estimated optimal energy density (Vo·Isc/4) was ~0.84 µW/cm2 in the active biofilm region. The previous device structure (Fig. 1bi) yielded higher density, probably because the biofilm-tissue paper interface improves water transport. e Vo (black) and Isc (red) from devices of different areas, with the porosity and pore size in the mesh electrodes, kept 0.4 and 100 µm. f Measured Vo from devices connected in series (upper inset) using a “buckle” design in electrodes (bottom schematic). All the tests were performed in the ambient environment (RH~50%). All the error bars are standard deviations.