Fig. 6. The lipid phospholipids in relation to follicular development in blood serum and follicular fluid.
a 116 differential metabolites divided into 8 classes, based on substance categories. b A violin diagram of nine lipid phospholipids showing data distribution and density. c ROC curves of the nine major lipid phospholipids found in differently sized follicles. d ROC curves of LPC in the follicular fluid of differently sized follicles. e Markedly different lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) concentrations (pg/ml) in the follicular fluid and blood serum. f Relationship between LPC and epidemiological information, including BMI, AFC, ovarian stimulation parameters (Gn dose and duration), and ovarian sensitivity parameters (FORT, FSI, and FOI). g A strong linear relationship between follicular fluid LPC levels and blood serum LPC levels. h ROC curves for predicting ovarian sensitivity parameters (FORT, FSI, and FOI) using LPC levels in blood serum. i ROC curves for predicting ovarian sensitivity parameters (FORT, FSI, and FOI) using LPC levels in follicular fluid.