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. 2022 Jul 29;23:543. doi: 10.1186/s12864-022-08780-6

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Multi-species Neighbor Joining Tree of Toll-like Receptor proteins. Toll-like receptor genes were extracted a custom InterProScan annotation of the Aplysia californcia RefSeq protein modles (AplCal, GCF_000002075.1) and publicly available InterPro annotations of proteins from the UniprotKB data base for Biomphalaria glabrata (Bglab, UP000076420_IPS), Crassosteraea gigas (Cgig, UP000005408), Nematostella vectensis (Nvect, UP000001593), Drosophila melanogaster (Dromel, UP000000803), Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Spurp, UP000007110), and human (Hs, UP000005640) based on presence of TIR and LRR domains. Protein sequences were aligned and used to generate a neighbor joining tree with the JTT model. Branches and leaf nodes are colored based on the species from which the sequence originated. Arcs describe major groupings of TLRs in the tree: a S. purpuratus dominated branch, a set of TLRs containing mostly human TLRs (dubbed vertebrate-like), a major branch that contains sequences only from the protostomes assessed (as well as lone TLR from Nematostella), and a branch containing only molluscan representatives. This tree corroborates earlier findings that massive TLR expansions in S. purpuratus and mollusks represent distinct, lineage specific radiations of TLR genes