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. 2022 Jul 15;13:957444. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.957444


Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the response value quadratic model.

Source Sum of squares df Mean square F value P value Significance
Model 2430.64 14 173.62 47.53 <0.0001 ***
A 261.87 1 261.87 71.70 <0.0001 ***
B 41.55 1 41.55 11.38 0.0046 **
C 122.30 1 122.30 33.48 <0.0001 ***
D 28.62 1 28.62 7.83 0.0142 *
AB 37.75 1 37.75 10.33 0.0062 **
AC 11.73 1 11.73 3.21 0.0948
AD 0.099 1 0.099 0.027 0.8715
BC 22.05 1 22.05 6.04 0.0277 *
BD 0.21 1 0.21 0.057 0.8149
CD 43.35 1 43.35 11.87 0.0039 **
A 2 477.59 1 477.59 130.76 <0.0001 ***
B 2 509.18 1 509.18 139.41 <0.0001 ***
C 2 589.45 1 589.45 161.39 <0.0001 ***
D 2 711.93 1 711.93 194.92 <0.0001 ***
Residual 51.13 14 3.65
Lack of fit 44.55 10 4.46 2.71 0.1748
Pure error 6.58 4 1.65
Cor total 2481.77 28

*Significant at P < 0.05; **Significant at P < 0.01; ***Significant at P < 0.001. R2 = 0.9794, Adj R2 = 0.9588, Pred R2 = 0.8990. A, culture time; B, temperature; C, pH; D, inoculum volume. They are four factors in response surface test, as the independent variables. AB, interaction between culture time and temperature; AC, interaction between culture time and pH; AD, interaction between culture time and inoculum volume; BC, interaction between temperature and pH; BD, interaction between temperature and inoculum volume; CD, interaction between pH and inoculum volume. A2, The quadratic term of culture time; B2, The quadratic term of temperature; C2, The quadratic term of pH; D2, The quadratic term of inoculum volume.