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. 2022 Jan 13;107(8):1796–1814. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2021.279924

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Deletion of Pten but not Tp53 leads to accelerated mouse chronic lymphocytic leukemia.(A and B) Statistical analysis of absolute cell numbers of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells (CD19+ B220low CD5+) (A) 8 weeks and (B) 16 weeks after tamoxifen (Tam) treatment of 6-week-old mice: filled circles indicating cells obtained from mb1-CreERT2;Ptenfl/fl;Eµ-TCL1 mice (left) and from mb1-CreERT2;Eµ-TCL1 mice (right). Four asterisks (****) indicate P<0.0001, P-values were obtained using two-tailed Student's t-test. Cell numbers from 5 mice per group are shown with each circle representing an individual animal. (C) Flow cytometric analysis of B cells from the spleens of mb1-CreERT2;Ptenfl/fl;Eµ-TCL1 (left ), and mb1-CreERT2; Tp53fl/fl;Eµ-TCL1 (right) 24 weeks after Tam treatment of 6-week-old mice. Shown are dot plots of the anti-B220 vs. anti-CD5 staining after gating on CD19+ B cells. The gated regions in the dot plots correspond to CLL cells (CD19+ B220low CD5+) and healthy B cells (CD19+ B220+ CD5-). The numbers in the dot plots indicate the mean relative frequency of cells in the gate. (D) Flow cytometric analysis of p53-expression in splenic CLL cells from Tam-treated mb1-CreERT2;Tp53+/fl;Eµ-TCL1 mice (red line) and splenic CLL cells from mb1-CreERT2;Eµ-TCL1 mice (blue line). (E) Flow cytometric analysis of B cells isolated from the blood of mb1-Cre;Ptenfl/+;Eµ-TCL1 and mb1-Cre;Tp53fl/fl;Eµ-TCL1 mice at the age of 10 weeks and 32 weeks. The graph shows dot-plots of the anti-B220 vs. anti-CD5 staining after gating on viable CD19+ B lymphocytes. The numbers in the dot plots indicate the mean relative frequency of cells in the gate. (F) Quantification of p-AKT (left) and p-BTK (middle), and BCL-2 (right) mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in splenic mouse CLL B cells from mb1-CreERT2;Ptenfl/fl;Eµ-TCL1 (blue filled bars) and mb1-CreERT2;Eµ-TCL1 (red filled bars) mice. Mean ± standard deviation are shown. Four asterisks (****) indicate P<0.0001, P-values were obtained using two-tailed Student's t-test. Results from 5 mice per group are shown.