of the photocurrent measured in vacuum for treated and
untreated samples. (a) Photocurrent increase calculated as a maximum
photocurrent obtained after the same amount of time for each gate
voltage and normalized by the maximum photocurrent of the pristine
sample on WS2. The results show that the devices treated
with a single plasma process respond stronger to illumination, and
their response is the highest for low gate voltages. (b) The photocurrent
signal of the samples before (pristine—blue lines) and after
plasma treatment (first plasma—beige lines, second plasma—red
lines) measured in vacuum. The graphs show the gate voltage dependence
of the photocurrent for −20, 0, 20, and 60 V. Large enhancement
of the photocurrent was observed after the first plasma treatment.
The second plasma treatment also increased the signal compared to
the pristine sample, but the effect was not as pronounced as for the
first treatment. Although the point at −40 V results from a
random unexpected event, the trend is visible.