Fig. 6. Diazepam selectively modulates the skeleton network of strong edges.
a Pairwise spike correlation (edge) distributions are shown from the spatial maps of Fig. 5c, e. The edge strengths (of the largest component of interconnected nodes) were binned using a bin size = 0.05 over a connectivity range from 0.35 to 1. A gamma distribution fit illustrates “a skeleton of stronger connections immersed in a sea of weaker ones”. Diazepam (50 µM) increased the minority population of stronger edge strengths, while decreasing the strength of the more abundant weaker edges with respect to control conditions. b The fractional difference in edge strengths, (fd − fc)/(fd + fc), is shown, where fc and fd are the gamma distribution fits highlighted in a for control and diazepam (50 µM) conditions, respectively. A higher proportion of strong edges are present in diazepam (50 µM) conditions relative to control conditions for n = 3 organoids. c The relative fractions of unique sets of edges are shown. Purple bars represent edges present during both control and diazepam conditions. Blue bars represent the fraction of edges shut down by diazepam and the red bars represent the fraction of edges induced by diazepam. d Edge strength distributions highlighted in c are plotted for organoid L1, while the spatial graph is shown in e. The top 90 edges (by weight) are shown in red, while the remaining edges are plotted in gray.