Fig. 3. PPG1259 is the cognate avirulence gene of RppK.
a Schematic diagrams of constructs for AvrRppK gene screening in transient protoplast expression assays. EV is the empty vector; Rp1-D21 was used as the positive control; PPG genes from P. polysora were cloned by using mRNA isolated from P. polysora-infected leaves; ΔSP indicates deletion of the signal peptide region; and the LUC construct was used to evaluate cell viability in the transient protoplast expression assay. b PPG1259ΔSP expression in the protoplasts of RppK transgenic plants induced an HR but its expression in the protoplasts of nontransgenic plants did not. PPG1259ΔSP was coexpressed with the 35s:LUC construct in the protoplasts of RppK transgenic plants or nontransgenic plants; the Rp1-D21 gene or empty vector (EV) was coexpressed with the 35s:LUC construct in this assay as a positive or negative control, respectively. Relative LUC levels were measured to indicate the viability of protoplasts. Values are means ± SDs (for expression of PPG1259ΔSP, n = 8; for the others, n = 6; P = 0.4466, 3.4E-10, 1). **P < 0.01; ns, not significant (two-tailed Student’s t-test). c The coinfiltration of the construct carrying the RppK genomic DNA sequence with the 35S:PPG1259ΔSP construct induced an HR in N. benthamiana. The coinfiltration of the construct carrying the RppK genomic DNA construct or the 35S:PPG1259ΔSP construct with the empty vector were performed as negative controls and the infiltration of Rp1-D21-3×HA was taken as the positive control. The infiltration sites were labeled with “*”. d Infiltration of the PPG1259ΔSP protein into RppK transgenic plants and nontransgenic plants. GST-PPG1259ΔSP and GST-PPG348ΔSP proteins were expressed in E. coli and purified. After digestion with the 3C PPase enzyme to cleave the GST tag, PPG1259ΔSP and PPG348ΔSP were infiltrated into the leaves of 3-leaf stage RppK transgenic plants and nontransgenic plants, respectively. In this assay, PPG348ΔSP, which did not induce a cell death phenotype in protoplasts of RppK transgenic plants or nontransgenic plants, was used as the negative control. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.