Figure 4. Estimated Share of 1064 US Adults Who Believed That Threatening Public Health Officials was Justified by Individual Characteristics, November 2020 and July to August 2021.
Estimated probabilities were calculated from a multivariable logistic regression model included in eTable 4 in the Supplement. Those responding that threatening public health officials was justified a great deal, a lot, or a moderate amount were coded as 1, and those responding a little or not at all were coded as zero. The race and ethnicity, education, and political affiliation variables were baseline data gathered as part of each individual’s participation in the NORC AmeriSpeak panel. The employment and trust in science variables were collected in November 2020. Respondents were coded as employed in November if they reported working full or part time for pay, not employed if they reported temporary layoff from a job or looking for work, and not working for another reason if they reported being a full- or part-time caregiver, retired, or disabled.