Description in manuscript |
Intervention/control |
Outcome |
Subgroup (i.e. severe co‐morbidities indicating higher than usual risk, direction of force applied)
Intervention |
Number of events |
Number of participants |
Number of missing participants and reason(s) why |
Number of participants moved from other group and reason(s) why |
Any other results reported (i.e. HR, RRs) |
Statistical methods used and appropriateness of these methods |
Re‐analysis required? |
Re‐analysis possible? |
Re‐analysed results |
Control |
Number of events |
Number of participants |
Number of missing participants and reason(s) why |
Number of participants moved from other group and reason(s) why |
Any other results reported (i.e. HR, RRs) |
Statistical methods used and appropriateness of these methods |
Re‐analysis required? |
Re‐analysis possible? |