Fig. 6. Shape comparison of the DNA complexes of three Rrf2 family members.
a Base sequence alignment of hmpA1, hyA and rsrR operator fragments in their corresponding complexes with [4Fe-4S]-ScNsrR, apo-EcIscR and [2Fe-2S]-SvRsrR. b Comparison of P-to-P distances (dPPMig) in the MiGs of hmpA1, hyA and rsrR for the phosphate groups in both DNA strands. c Polypeptide and DNA folding of the three labeled complexes in a view perpendicular to that of Fig. 1. Protein subunits, DNA strands and bp tracing, phosphate positions, cluster atoms and amino acids are represented as in Fig. 1. Black dotted lines trace dPPMig distances (given in Å). Because of its limited resolution, no protein residues are shown for the SvRsrR-DNA complex.