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. 2022 Jul 30;12:13102. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-16592-7

Table 1.

Compositional profile of R. officinalis hexane extract as analysed by GC-MS.

No RT (min) RI expa RI litb Metabolitec Relative percentile
1 7.07 914 914 α-Pinene 1.73
2 7.52 929 929 Camphene 0.46
3 7.7 936 937 2,4(10)-Thujadiene 0.1
4 8.39 960 960 β-Pinene 0.13
5 9.45 998 998 δ 3-carene 0.08
6 9.93 1013 1013 p-Cymene 0.07
7 10.05 1017 1017 Limonene 0.4
8 10.11 1019 1019 Eucalyptol 1.63
9 12.34 1089 1089 Linalool 0.45
10 13.73 1133 1133 Camphor 2.07
11 14.32 1152 1152 Pinocarvone 0.12
12 14.42 1155 1155 Borneol 1.07
13 14.68 1163 1162 Isopinocamphone 0.17
14 15.22 1180 1180 α-Terpineol 0.21
15 15.59 1192 1196 Isoborneol 0.09
16 15.77 1198 1198 Verbenone 2.08
17 16.78 1233 1234 cis-Myrtanol 0.21
18 18.02 1276 1276 Bornyl acetate 0.31
19 21.8 1408 1408 Caryophyllene 0.2
20 42.19 2368 2300 Tricosane 0.21
21 43.84 2467 2400 Tetracosane 0.27
22 44.78 2528 2525 Diisooctyl phthalate 0.19
23 45.42 2569 2500 Pentacosane 0.43
24 46.93 2666 2600 Hexacosane 0.8
25 48.39 2760 2700 Heptacosane 0.65
26 49.83 2853 2800 Octacosane 3.07
27 51.18 2939 2865 2-methyloctacosane 0.9
28 52 2992 2965 2-Methylnonacosane 0.35
29 52.53 3026 3000 Triacontane 6.73
30 53.29 3075 3112 α-Tocopherol 0.34
31 53.49 3087 3015 3,7-dimethyl-nonacosane 0.54
32 53.83 3110 3100 Hentriacontane 1.34
33 54.58 3157 3120 n-Octacosanol 0.21
34 54.73 3167 3100 Hentriacontane 1.26
35 55.36 3208 3200 Dotriacontane 16.21
36 56.34 3270 3225 16-Methyldotriacontane 0.36
37 56.56 3285 3235 12-Methyldotriacontane 1.7
38 56.69 3294 3337 β-Amyrin 10.4
39 56.99 3313 3300 Tritriacontane 1.11
40 57.1 3319 3337 β-Amyrin 3.95
41 57.57 3350 3376 α-Amyrin 20.64
42 58 3377 3376 α-Amyrin 3.79
43 58.19 3389 3338 15-Methyltritriacontane 0.71
44 58.98 3440 3400 Tetratriacontane 5.11
45 59.35 3464 3384 Lupenone 0.67
46 62.4 3660 3525 Lupeol acetate 4.91
47 62.62 3674 3629 Betulinaldehyde 0.86
% Total Identified 99.29
% Monoterpenes 2.97
% Oxygenated monoterpenes 8.41
% Sesquiterpenes 0.2
% Hydrocarbons 41.75
% Triterpenoids 45.22
Others 0.74

aRetention index calculated experimentally on Rtx-5MS column relative to C8-C28 n-alkanes series.

bCorresponding Kovats retention index from literature and spectral databases.

cIdentification based on comparing retention indices (RI) and mass spectral data (MS) with those found in NIST Mass Spectral Library (2011), Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data (8th edition) and reported in literature.