(A) Schematic of the feature-based delayed match-to-sample task. The monkeys maintained their gaze within a 3° window (dashed white circle) until the match period. A sample stimulus, randomly drawn from a set of 5 possible images, is presented for 500 ms. Following a variable delay, the fixation target is extinguished, and the match stimulus is presented. The match consists of the previous sample image and 1 of the 4 non-sample images presented at 6° eccentricity on either side of the fixation target (STAR Methods). The monkeys are rewarded by making a saccadic eye movement to the sample image.
(B) Cortical flatmap showing the distribution of recorded units in each cortical area. The inset shows the same data on an inflated brain.
(C) Example of the raw broadband data recorded on a single trial of the dMTS task from 27 separate cortical areas in monkey L. The names of each cortical area are shown on the left. The vertical and horizontal eye position signals are shown at the bottom. The vertical lines indicate the times of the sample and the match onset, respectively. The arrows during the delay period indicate two microsaccadic eye movements. The arrow during the match period indicates the time of the choice.