Fig. 5.
Tissue-specific RNA-seq shows enrichment of UNASSIGNED genes in datasets specific to multiple cell types, but not neurons. a) Schematic diagram showing workflow from (Serizay et al. 2020). Comparison of category enrichment with inclusion (All) and exclusion (Assigned only) of UNASSIGNED genes in Intestine-only (b, c) and Neuron-only (b, d) genes. e) Cat3 breakdown of UNASSIGNED genes in Unclassified (Un), Germline (Ge), Hypoderm (Hy), Intestine (In), Muscle (Mu) Sperm (Sp), and Neuron-only genes as in (b). See also Supplementary Tables 4 and 6. Pro, Proteolysis; Trans., Transcription; TM, transmembrane; ugt, uridine diphosphate glucuronosyl transferase.