Table 1.
Sources | Search in | MeSH terms | Limits | Search results |
Web of science | Search manager | (“deep learning” OR “convolutional neural network” OR “machine learning” OR “radiomics” OR “radiomic”) AND (“CT” OR “MRI”) AND (“Lymph node” OR “lymph node metastasis” OR “Benign and malignant pulmonary nodules”)AND (“lung cancer” OR “non-small cell lung cancer” OR “NSCLC”) | None | 11 |
PubMed, (MEDLINE) | N/A | (“deep learning” OR “convolutional neural network” OR “machine learning” OR “radiomics” OR “radiomic”) AND (“CT” OR “MRI”) AND (“Lymph node” OR “lymph node metastasis” OR “benign and malignant pulmonary nodules”) AND (“lung cancer” OR “non-small cell lung cancer” OR “NSCLC”) | None | 30 |
EMBASE | Quick search | (‘deep learning'/exp OR “deep learning” OR “machine learning”/exp OR “machine learning” OR “radiomics”/exp OR “radiomics” OR “radiomic”) AND (“ct”/exp OR “ct” OR “mri”/exp OR “mri”) AND (“lymph node”/exp OR “lymph node” OR “lymph node metastasis”/exp OR “lymph node metastasis” OR “benign and malignant pulmonary nodules”) AND (“lung cancer”/exp OR “non-small cell lung cancer” OR “NSCLC”) | None | 56 |
Wanfang database | N/A | (“deep learning” OR “machine learning” OR “radiomics” OR “radiomic”) AND (“CT” OR “MRI”) AND (“Lymph node” OR “lymph node metastasis”) AND (“lung cancer” OR “NSCLC”) | None | 5 |