Table 1.
Patients and Tumor Characteristics.
Patient | Age (year) at PE or ECT | FIGO vulvar cancer stage after primary treatment | Site of vulvar cancer recurrence | Histologic type | Previous irradiation |
Type of treatment of vulvar cancer recurrence |
Recurrence of disease after PE or ECT (months) | Survival after PE or ECT (months) |
1 | 70 | IIIC | Perineum, Introitus | SCC | Yes | TPE | 3 | Died (15) |
2 | 51 | IB | Perineum, Vagina | SCC | Yes | TPE | nr | Alive (74) |
3 | 60 | IIIC | Perineum | SCC | Yes | PPE | 32 | Died (38) |
4 | 72 | IB | Perineum | SCC | Yes | PPE | nr | Alive (88) |
5 | 64 | IIIC | Perineum | SCC | Yes | ECT | nr | Alive (12) |
Abbreviations: FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; PE, pelvic exenteration; TPE, total pelvic exenteration; PPE, posterior pelvic exenteration; ECT, electrochemotherapy; nr, no recurrence; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.