Figure EV1. Effect of KAT overexpression in Hos3‐NLS‐dependent growth inhibition.
AOverexpression of the KAT Gcn5 is toxic. 10‐fold serial dilutions of wild‐type (WT), HOS3‐NLS‐GFP and GAL1pr:HOS3‐NLS‐GFP (single copy at the endogenous locus) transformed with an empty vector or the GAL1pr:GCN5‐HA plasmid were spotted onto SC‐Glu and SC‐Gal medium and incubated at 25°C for 3 days.
BRole of KAT overexpression in cell viability and ability to rescue growth in the presence of overexpressed HOS3‐NLS. (Left) Exponential cultures of the indicated strains transformed with an empty vector or plasmids overexpressing the KATs Spt10, Eco1, Hpa2, Hpa3, Sas2, Elp3 or Rtt109 were spotted onto SC‐Glu and SC‐Gal medium and incubated at 25°C for 3 days. (Right) The effect of HAT1 overexpression was also assessed in 10‐fold serial dilutions as in (A).