(I) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of stomata in 45 day-old leaves of Brassica juncea (L.) cv. Varuna raised with Cu and/or sprayed with melatonin (MEL) at 3,000× magnification. (A) Control, (B) Cu 60 mg kg–1, (C) MEL 40 μM, (D) Cu 30 + MEL (40 μM), and (E) Cu 60 + MEL (40 μM). (II) Transmission electron microscope (TEM) images of chloroplast in 45 day-old B. juncea (L.) cv. Varuna raised with Cu and/or sprayed with MEL. (A) Control, (B) Cu 60 mg kg–1, (C) MEL 40 μM, (D) Cu 30 + MEL (40 μM), and (E) Cu 60 + MEL (40 μM). CP, chloroplast; T, thylakoid; P, plastoglobuli; G, omniferous granules; W, cell wall.