Resting state networks at low arousal have reduced network overlaps
while exhibiting brain-wide connectivity. (a) A summary diagram to calculate hub
connectivity probability (pi =
P(i∣j)) and total
hub connectivity probability (Pi).
For an arousal state, resting state networks involving a hub j
are collected from all subjects.
pi: the conditional probability of
each node i to be a member of functional networks overlapping
in a hub j. (b) The total number of hub-related networks for
each node is lower at low relative to high arousal. (c) Probability maps of
functional connectivity integrated in a specific hub (two exemplary nodes in the
right vACC and the left dlPFC) across subjects. (d)
Pi is higher at low
relative to high arousal across the whole brain, indicating an increased global
synchronization. (e) Scatter plot of hub measures from 268 nodes at high
(orange) and low (blue) arousal data. X-axis denotes the group average
k-hubness (<k>). Y-axis
denotes Pi calculated for each node
i. Left (L)/Right (R) in bold. An exemplary transition
vector that links a node at high arousal state
Pi(high)) to the same node at
low arousal state (<k>low,
Pi(low)) is shown. (f) Re-centered transition
vectors for all nodes, from (0,0) to (<k>low-
Pi(high)), show a trend
pointing toward the quadrant II, indicating a decrease in
k-hubness and an increase in
Pi from high to low
arousal. Transition vectors for nodes in each large-scale network (color-coded
as in Figs. 2-4) are shown below. Nodes exhibiting large group-average changes in
<k> also exhibit large changes in inter-subject variability (g)
and total connectivity probability (h) (rs: Spearman’s rank
correlation, p=0).