1 |
Majority population |
Persons born in Metropolitan France who are neither first- nor second-generation immigrants |
2 |
Persons born in French Overseas Departments |
Persons born in French Overseas Departments |
3 |
Descendants from French Overseas Departments |
Persons born in Metropolitan France whose at least one parent was born in French Overseas Department |
4 |
Second-generation immigrant European Union |
Person born in France with immigrant parent coming from the 27-country European Union |
5 |
Second-generation immigrant from North Africa |
Person born in France with immigrant parent coming from North Africa |
6 |
Second-generation immigrant from sub-Saharan Africa |
Person born in France with immigrant parent coming from sub-Saharan Africa |
7 |
Second-generation immigrant from Asia |
Person born in France with immigrant parent coming from Asia |
8 |
Immigrant from European Union |
Person born in the European Union, of non-French nationality at birth |
9 |
Immigrant from North Africa |
Person born in North Africa, of non-French nationality at birth |
10 |
Immigrant from sub-Saharan Africa |
Person born in sub-Saharan Africa, of non-French nationality at birth |
11 |
Immigrant from Asia |
Person born in Asia, of non-French nationality at birth |