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. 2022 Aug 1;130(8):087002. doi: 10.1289/EHP9985

Table 1.

Number of U.S. community water systems and populations served by strata in year 2011 post-Stage 1 D/DBPR (see Excel Table S1 for underlying data).

Source water type System size (population served) Number of systems with THM4 mean concentrationsa Population served by systems with THM4 mean concentrations in ranges indicated (millions)
40μg/L >40μg/L80μg/L Total 40μg/L >40μg/L80μg/L Total
Surface water systems <10,000 4,213 4,748 8,961 8.2 9.5 17.7
10,000–100,000 1,404 938 2,342 40.3 23.9 64.2
>100,000 242 111 353 66.9 42.3 109.2
Subtotal 5,859 5,797 11,656 115.4 75.7 191.1
Groundwater systems <10,000 35,009 2,821 37,830 26.8 3.1 29.9
10,000–100,000 1,293 186 1,479 28.8 4.9 33.6
>100,000,000 61 8 69 13.3 1.4 14.7
Subtotal 36,364 3,014 39,378 68.9 9.3 78.2
All systems Total 42,223 8,812 51,034 184.3 85.0 269.3

Note: D/DBPR, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule; MCL, maximum contaminant level; PWS, public water system; THM4, trihalomethane-4.


PWS with THM4 mean concentrations >80μg/L were assumed to reduce their concentrations to achieve compliance with the MCL over time and included in the 4080μg/L range bin with the average concentration for systems in that bin.