Reclassification of database ligands based on molecular weight (MW) and associated new search features. (A) Histogram of articles published reporting ligands that are included in the R-BIND database. (B) Histogram of R-BIND 1.2 classified by SM and MV. (C) Histogram of R-BIND 2.0 with new classifications of SM and LM. For histograms, each bin covers 100 Da and the center of the bin is the number listed on the x-axis. For example, bin “200” covers ligands with MW between 150 and 250 Da. (D) Website image of new screening approach “modular assembly” and “multivalent: Y” under the Design and Discovery tab in Single Molecule View. (E) Website image showing the ability to search using multivalency as a criterion under the “Advanced Search”. SM, small molecule; MV, multivalent; LM, large molecule; and Y, Yes.