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. 2022 Jun 14;10(2):E527–E538. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20210338

Table 2:

Work conditions of survey participants

Characteristic Unweighted no. of participants
n = 634
Unadjusted estimate, % RDS-II adjusted estimate,* % (95% CI)
Average no. of paid work hours per week in the previous year
 < 30 282 44.5 49.3 (40.9–57.8)
 ≥ 30 318 50.2 50.7 (42.2–59.1)
 Missing 34 5.4
Main employment type in the previous year
 Casual or on contract (part-time or full-time) or self-employed 399 62.9 65.3 (57.4–73.1)
 Permanent part-time or full-time 225 35.5 34.7 (26.9–42.6)
 Missing 10 1.6
Union membership
 No 314 49.5 53.8 (45.7–61.9)
 Yes 310 48.9 46.2 (38.1–54.3)
 Missing 10 1.6
Paid sick days
 No 547 86.3 89.5 (85.8–93.3)
 Yes 76 12.0 10.5 (6.7–14.2)
 Missing 11 1.7
No. of paid sick days received (among those with paid sick days, n = 76)
 0–5 14 18.4 18.9 (0.0–40.2)
 6–10 31 40.8 35.2 (14.5–56.0)
 ≥ 10 28 36.8 45.8 (23.2–68.5)
 Missing 3 4.0
Retirement income plan from employer
 No 386 60.9 67.2 (59.5–74.8)
 Yes 226 35.7 32.8 (25.2–40.5)
 Missing 22 3.5
Other employment benefits from employer (e.g., dental, medications)
 No 438 69.1 74.1 (66.8–81.4)
 Yes 176 27.8 25.9 (18.6–33.2)
 Missing 20 3.2
Financial assistance received from government§
 Housing 73 11.5 13.5 (6.6–20.5)
 Child care 155 24.5 26.2 (18.7–33.7)
 Recreation 27 4.3 4.7 (1.5–8)
 Food allowances 54 8.5 7.9 (5.1–10.7)
 Dental 71 11.2 10.7 (5.1–16.2)
 Vision 39 6.2 5.2 (3.0–7.4)
 Prescription drugs 77 12.2 11.4 (7.6–15.2)
 Assistive living devices 5 0.8 0.9 (0.0–2)
 Transit passes 28 4.4 4.8 (2.0–7.6)
 Student grants 26 4.1 5.6 (2.4–8.8)
 Electricity grants 69 10.9 11.5 (7.2–15.7)
 Disability supports 10 1.6 2.8 (0.6–5.1)
 Other 23 3.6 2.8 (1.4–4.2)
Frequency of knowing work schedule 1 week in advance
 Half the time, some of the time or never 194 30.6 31.9 (24.1–39.8)
 All the time or most of the time 413 65.1 68.1 (60.2–75.9)
 Missing 27 4.3
Perceived likelihood of reprisal for raising health and safety or employment rights concern to employer
 Not likely or not likely at all 353 55.7 56.5 (47.9–65.2)
 Somewhat likely, likely or very likely 261 41.2 43.5 (34.8–52.1)
 Missing 20 3.2
Work-related injuries or sickness in the previous year
 No 430 67.8 74.5 (68.3–80.7)
 Yes 177 27.9 25.5 (19.3–31.7)
 Missing 27 4.3
No. of working days missed (among those with work-related injuries or sickness, n = 177)
 0–5 79 44.6 46.2 (31.0–61.4)
 6–10 28 15.8 16.3 (7.8–24.8)
 ≥ 10 50 28.3 37.5 (22.7–52.3)
 Missing 20 11.3
WSIB claim filed (among those with work-related injuries or sickness, n = 177)
 No 136 76.8 81.2 (73.6–88.8)
 Yes 41 23.2 18.8 (11.2–26.4)
Worker’s empowerment to participate in injury and illness prevention
 Empowered 89 14.0 12.1 (6.0–18.2)
 Not empowered 545 86.0 87.9 (81.8–94.0)
Experience with discrimination based on given variable§
 Race or ethnicity 137 21.6 21.4 (16.3–26.5)
 Gender 11 1.7 1.8 (0–3.6)
 Age 24 3.8 4 (2–6.1)
 Sexual orientation 2 0.3 0.6 (0–1.5)
 Disability 5 0.8 0.7 (0–1.6)
 Immigration status 63 9.9 9.9 (4.0–15.7)
 Other 50 7.9 8.2 (3.8–12.5)

Note: CI = confidence interval, RDS = respondent-driven sampling, WSIB = Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.


Missing data were not included in the distribution of percent estimates.

Negative CI values were truncated at 0.

Measure from the Employment Precarity Index.


Participants were able to select multiple options. Therefore, each category of assistance or discrimination elicited a binary response (i.e., received a particular assistance or not; discriminated against for a particular reason or not) and the sum of positive responses across the different categories exceeded the total number of participants (n = 634).