Fig. 6. neCTNNB1 is the human CTNNB1 enhancer.
a Schematic representation of human CTNNB1 gene and the location of putative neCTNNB1 enhancer (blue shading) marked by H3K27ac and H3K4me1 peaks and ATAC signals. b Hi-C data of H1-derived human neural progenitor cells (hNPC) were obtained from the 3D genome browser. Boundaries of TADs and locations of neCTNNB1 and CTNNB1 (red bars) are indicated below. b' Regions magnified from (b). neCTNNB1 interacts with CTNNB1 in H1-derived hNPC. c Virtual 4C of H1-derived hNPCs revealing interactions between neCTNNB1 with pCTNNB1. d ChIP-qPCR of hNPC using an anti-ASH2L antibody. e RNA levels of ASH2L (left) and CTNNB1 (right) in hNPC transfected with indicated virus for two days. Each point represents an independent experiment (d, e). f The working model. neCtnnb1, the upstream enhancer of Ctnnb1, controls production and transit-amplification of IPs, hence proper productions of UL PNs. ASH2L associates with neCtnnb1 and positively regulates transcription of Ctnnb1 in the neCtnnb1-dependent manner. In e, quantification data are shown as means ± SD. statistical significance was determined using two-way ANOVA followed by Sidak’s multiple comparisons test (e) *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001. ns not significant. PFC dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex.