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. 2022 May 28;42:108319. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108319

Table 5.

Descriptions of the fields in creativeworks.csv.

Column header Description Multiple values possible
WorkID A number that uniquely identifies the Creative Work in the dataset. No
WorkTitle The title of the work. Series and adaptations (e.g., novels made into movies) are logged as a single entry unless machine vision is presented very differently in the different episodes or versions. No
Year The year of publication. In the case of series and adaptations, the year when the first episode or version was published or released. No
Genre The genre that the Creative Work belongs to (Art, Game or Narrative). No
Country The main country or countries the creators of the work are affiliated with, for instance by citizenship or residency. Yes
TechRef Machine vision technologies described, represented or mentioned in the Creative Work. See Table 2 for a list of all 26 Technologies. Yes
TechUsed Machine vision technologies used by the Creative Work. Examples might include an artwork that uses facial recognition of museum visitors to generate a customised output, or a game that uses eye-tracking so that the player can interact with the game by blinking or moving their eyes. See Table 2 for a list of all 26 Technologies. Yes
Topics Topics that categorise the various Creative Works based on their explicit subject matters. A Topic is foregrounded and central in the Creative Work, with one Creative Work usually having up to five Topics. Topics are tagged with one or more of the following words: AI, Animals, Automation, Autonomous vehicles, City, Climate change, Companionship, Competition, Conflict, Consciousness, Crime, Cyborg, Dystopian, Economy, Empathy, Family, Free will, Gender, Grief, Hacking, Horror, Identity, Inequality, Labour, Nature, Nudity, Physical violence, Playful, Race and ethnicity, Robot/android, Romantic relationship, Sex, Social media, Surveillance, Utopian, War. Yes
Sentiment The attitudes towards the machine vision technology represented in the Creative Work. Sentiments are tagged with one or more of the following words: Alien, Creepy, Dangerous, Disgusting, Empowering, Exciting, Flawed, Fun, Helpful, Hostile, Intimate, Intrusive, Misleading, Neutral, Oppressive, Overwhelming, Prosocial, Protective, Subversive, Wondrous. Yes
Situation The titles of Machine Vision Situations in this Creative Work. A Situation is a specific scene or event that involves machine vision technologies. Yes
SituationID A number that uniquely identifies the situation in the dataset. Yes
Character The names of characters in the work who engage with machine vision technologies. Yes
CharacterID A number that uniquely identifies the character in the dataset. Yes