Figure 11.
Overview of RNA translation and replication, viral packaging, and release of the SARS-CoV-2 virion. Schematic representations (top) and experimental data (bottom) of the cellular machinery and viral proteins involved in (A) genome translation and initial polypeptide processing, (B) replication of genomic and subgenomic RNA, (C) assembly of the virion at the ER–Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC), and (D) final egress of the viral particle into the extracellular environment. (A, bottom) Mpro dimer surface model (6LU7) (ref (31)) colored by chain and the substrate binding pocket (inset) depicting the bound Mpro inhibitor N3 (sticks). Experimental data from panels B–D show tomographic slices from cryo-ET studies of (B) murine hepatitis virus (MHV) or (C and D) SARS-CoV-2-infected cells highlighting the transport of RNA through a molecular DMV pore, budding of a SARS-CoV-2 virion, and a viral exit tunnel, respectively. Panel B was adapted with permission from ref (138). Copyright 2020 Wolff et al. Panel C was adapted with permission from ref (125). Copyright 2020 Klein et al. Panel D was adapted with permission from ref (139). Copyright 2021 Mendonça et al. Created with BioRender.