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. 2015 Apr 23;23(4):803–810. doi: 10.1016/j.jfda.2015.02.006

Table 2.

Intra- and interday accuracy and precision of high-performance liquid chromatography assay for gastrodin from water extracts of Gastrodia elata Blume.

Analyst Level (μg/mL) Injection Recovery Recovery (%) Average (n = 3) RSD (%) Repeatability Intermediate

Standarda Sampleb (μg/mL) Spikec Average (n = 9) RSD (%) Average (n = 27) RSD (%)
1 30 1 30.75 27.04 29.08 101.20 102.67 1.28 100.81 2.77 100.22 3.23
2 29.64 27.78 29.27 103.75
3 30.38 27.97 29.64 103.05
50 1 49.27 48.72 50.20 104.89 101.88 2.53
2 50.39 48.53 49.27 99.26
3 49.46 46.87 48.53 101.50
70 1 69.65 67.06 67.24 96.81 97.87 2.72
2 69.28 68.73 68.73 99.20
3 69.47 68.17 67.98 97.60
2 30 1 29.45 29.27 29.08 98.11 96.84 1.45 97.98 2.34
2 29.64 29.08 28.71 95.62
3 28.71 30.38 29.08 96.77
50 1 48.90 48.53 47.79 96.21 99.62 1.46
2 49.27 48.16 49.27 102.26
3 47.61 48.90 48.35 100.39
70 1 68.54 68.91 67.24 95.68 97.47 1.15
2 68.17 68.54 67.43 97.28
3 67.43 68.17 67.61 99.45
3 30 1 31.81 31.81 31.98 101.08 99.10 3.97 101.87 3.38
2 31.63 33.01 31.46 94.56
3 31.29 32.49 32.15 101.65
50 1 52.10 49.69 52.44 105.94 104.64 1.90
2 51.93 49.69 52.27 105.63
3 51.24 50.38 51.41 102.35
70 1 74.11 72.56 74.80 103.94 101.87 2.18
2 73.94 71.19 72.39 99.53
3 73.08 73.94 74.28 102.12

RSD = relative standard deviation; Sample = determination of gastrodin content by injecting each sample preparation; Spike = determination of gastrodin content by injecting each spiked solution; Standard = determination of gastrodin content by injecting each standard solution.


Standard: determination of gastrodin content by injecting each standard solution.


Sample: determination of gastrodin content by injecting each sample preparation.


Spike: determination of gastrodin content by injecting each spiked solution.