CopY represses copA but also activates sczA expression1; which in turn controls czcD for Zn efflux2; CopY also activates riboflavin synthesis and/or transport3, arginine deamination and transport4, other targets5 and represses adcA6. Zn intoxication is inhibitory towards Zn acquisition7, de novo nucleotide8 and riboflavin synthesis9 pathways, cell wall synthesis genes10 and Stp111; Zn intoxication activates sczA12 and arginine deaminase13. Stp1 represses activity of CovR14 and activates de novo purine synthesis15. CovR has activation roles for riboflavin16 and nucleotide synthesis genes17 and sczA18; Virulence and pathogenesis require contributions from CovR19 and CopY20. Resistance to Zn stress requires functional czcD21, sczA22
covR23, copY24 and there are yet to be determined mechanisms of cell wall synthesis genes25, nucleotide26 and riboflavin synthesis27 and arginine deamination28 processes that contribute to Zn resistance in GBS. Dotted lines indicate contributions that remain to be characterized. Terms activation and repression refer to gene or protein regulatory activities, inhibitory and contribution refer to pathway or process level interactions. Interactions are based on gene expression data, phenotypes of isogenic mutants, cell and animal assays or prior published literature [20,21,28,35,92,93].