Fig. 3.
MRI and Met-PET findings in cases 2, 3, 4 and 8. A–H Pre- and post-contrast coronal T1 SE MRI show equivocal appearances in four patients, identifying either no abnormality or possible single or multiple lesions (arrows). I–L In contrast, in all four subjects Met-PET/MRCR demonstrates a single focus of intense tracer uptake which was subsequently confirmed at transsphenoidal surgery to be the site of a microprolactinoma. Postoperatively, all patients remain normoprolactinemic and eupituitary. FSPGR fast spoiled gradient recalled echo, Gad gadolinium, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, Met-PET/MRCR 11C-methionine PET-CT coregistered with volumetric (FSPGR) or SE MRI, PET positron emission tomography, SE spin echo