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. 2022 Jul 4;9(6):799–804. doi: 10.1002/mdc3.13494


Baseline participant demographics and clinical characteristics

Characteristic n (%)
60–64 years 4 (26.7%)
≥65 11 (73.3%)
Median [IQR]: 67 [64–73]
Male 10 (66.7%)
White 11 (73.3%)
Black 1 (6.7%)
Asian 3 (20.0%)
MoCA score
0–25 8 (53.3%)
≥26 7 (46.7%)
Median [IQR]: 25 [21–27]
HY stage 1
Stage 2 8 (53.3%)
Stage 3 7 (46.7%)
MDS‐UPDRS part III score 1
1–19 0 (0%)
20–38 6 (40%)
≥39 9 (60%)
Median [IQR]: 41 [31–50]
Disease duration 2
0–4 years 2 (13.3%)
≥5 13 (86.7%)
Median [IQR]: 8 [5–8]
0–100 mg/day 1 (6.7%)
101–399 2 (13.3%)
400–999 10 (66.7%)
≥1000 2 (13.3%)
Median [IQR]: 550 [400–850]
History of a fall within the last year
Yes 12 (80%)
No 3 (20%)
History of recurrent falls within the last year
Yes 11(73.3%)
No 4 (26.7%)
Subjective history of freezing‐of‐gait 3
Yes 13 (86.7%)
No 2 (13.3%)
History of falls during 10‐week study period
Yes 10 (66.7%)
No 5 (33.3%)

1Assessed in the OFF‐dopaminergic medication state.

2From initial motor symptoms.


Based on interview and response to the New Freezing of Gait Questionnaire.

Abbreviations: IQR, Interquartile range; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment; HY, Hoehn and Yahr Scale; MDS‐UPDRS, Movement Disorders Society Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale; LEDD, total levodopa‐equivalent daily dose.