Table 1.
Ideal Intravenous Anesthetic Agent
Physical and chemical properties | Pharmacology |
Chemically stable | Painless injection |
Water soluble | Low incidence of thrombophlebitis |
No additives/No reconstitution required | Harmless on extravasation and intraarterial injection |
Long shelf-life | Low incidence of adverse reactions |
Compatible with other intravenous fluids or drugs | Smooth onset of anesthesia |
Bacteriostatic | No associated unwanted movements |
Anticonvulsant, antiemetic, and analgesic effects | |
No associated respiratory depression or bronchodilation | |
No cardiovascular depression or stimulation | |
Predictable recovery | |
Rapid conversion to non-active metabolites | |
No hepatic or renal impairment | |
No suppression of corticosteroid synthesis | |
No association with emergence phenomenon | |
No teratogenic effects | |
Not much accumulation in body tissues, maintenance of general anesthesia possible |