Figure 1.
MRI imaging at diagnosis and 36 months after surgery in three cases of childhood craniopharyngioma with different grade of hypothalamic involvement/lesion. (A and B) Patient with craniopharyngioma confined to the intrasellar space (grade 0 = no hypothalamic involvement (A)/surgical lesion (B)). (C and D) Patient with craniopharyngioma involving the anterior hypothalamus (grade I: hypothalamic involvement (C)/surgical lesion of the anterior hypothalamic area (D)). (E and F) Patient with craniopharyngioma involving the anterior and posterior hypothalamus (grade II: hypothalamic involvement (E)/surgical lesion of the anterior and posterior hypothalamic area (F)). Arrows indicate mammillary bodies, defining the border between anterior and posterior involvement/lesion. Republished with permission of European Society of Endocrinology, from ‘Post-operative hypothalamic lesions and obesity in childhood craniopharyngioma: results of the multinational prospective trial KRANIOPHARYNGEOM 2000 after 3-year follow-up’, Müller et al., vol 165 iss 1, 2011 (20). Permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Centre, Inc.