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. 2022 Jun 3;38(4):570–579. doi: 10.1002/joa3.12742


Characteristics of studies included in the meta‐analysis

Study Design Origin Total patients (SS/NSS), n Follow‐up duration, months Inclusion criteria AAD allowed after blanking period a AA detection SS used NSS used
Deyell, 2020 RC



(52, 33) 85 12 PVI alone (no adjunctive linear or complex fractionated electrogram ablation) No 24 h Holter monitoring q3 months Agilis™ NxT small or medium curve sheaths b 8.5 French SL0 or SL1 sheaths c
Errahmouni, 2015 PC

Single center


(45, 37) 82 >9 Consecutive patients who underwent AF ablation using MN coupled with the NSS group were prospectively included Yes 24 h Holter monitoring q3 months for the first year, the q6 months afterward Robotic deflectable sheath Fast‐Cath SL1 c
Guo, 2021 RC

Single center


(53, 67) 120 6

Paroxysmal AF

First‐time ablation

No (ECG) or 24‐h Holter monitoring Vizigo sheath d Swartz sheath e
Luo, 2022 Case–control

Single center


(55, 55) 110 1 day AF refractory to at least one antiarrhythmic NR NR MobiCath f Fast‐Cath SR0 e
Masuda, 2016 PC

Single center


(57, 33) 90 12 Patients who underwent an initial ablation for AF No 24 h Holter monitoring q3 months Agilis™ NxT sheaths b Swartz sheath e
Matsuo, 2011 RCT

Single center


(40, 40) 80 12 Persistent AF Yes

(ECG) or 24‐h Holter monitoring q3 months

Event recorder (available for 5 days) if symptomatic without AA documentation

Agilis™ NxT sheaths b 8 French SL0 sheaths c
Piorkowski, 2008 Case–control Switzerland (83, 83) 166 6 Cases where matched with previously identified controls who treated with nonsteerable sheaths Yes


Holter ECG at 3 and 6 months

Agilis™ NxT sheaths b Mullins g
Piorkowski, 2011 RCT

2 centers


(63, 60) 123 6

(1) Paroxysmal or persistent symptomatic AF (documented on ECG)

(2) Refractory to at least 1 AAD

(3) LA diameter <60 mm

Yes 7‐day Holter ECG at 3 and 6 months Agilis™ NxT sheaths b SL0 sheaths c
Rajappan, 2009 RCT

Single center

United Kingdom

(27) 54 6

(1) Paroxysmal or persistent symptomatic AF (documented on ECG)

(2) Refractory to at least 1 AAD

(3) First time ablation

No 7‐day Holter monitor Agilis™ NxT sheaths b Mullins g
Ullah, 2015 RC

Single center

United Kingdom

(41, 19) 60 12 Persistent AF, First time ablation No NR Agilis™ NxT sheaths b or Artisan Extend Control Catheter h Mullins g

Abbreviations: AA, atrial arrhythmia; AAD, antiarrhythmic drug; AF, atrial fibrillation; LA, left atrium; MN, remote magnetic navigation; NR, not reported; NSS, nonsteerable sheath; PC, prospective cohort; PVI, pulmonary vein isolation; RC, retrospective cohort; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SS, steerable sheath.


Unless AA recurrence observed.


Abbott Medical.


Abbott Medical, St. Paul, MN, USA.


Biosense Webster Inc., Irvine, CA, USA.


St. Jude Inc., St. Paul, MN, USA.


Biosense Webster Inc.


Cook Inc., Bloomington, IN, USA.


Hansen Medical Inc.