Survey section | Question(s) | Question type | Answer choice labels | Scale | # of Rating items | Rating items |
Action | For each action listed below, how likely is it that the action is possibly producing some (or all) of the sound? | Matrix Rating | 1 – definitely not producing the sound, 5 – definitely producing the sound | 1–5 | 9 | Crushing, Scraping, Tapping, Ringing, Blowing, Puffing, Suctioning, Splashing, Flowing |
Material | For each material, how much does it describe the object directly making the sound? | Matrix Rating | 1 – not present in sound at all, does not describe sound object, 5 – definitely present in the sound, does describe sound object | 1–5, | 5 | Wood, Metal, Air, Liquid, Human Body |
Agent | How likely is it that this sound was caused by the actions of a living being? (This includes actions performed by a person on an object.) | Single Rating | 1 – non-living, 5 – living | 1–5 | 1 | Cause of action |
Pleasantness | How pleasant is the sound to you? | Single Rating | −5 - very unpleasant, 0 - neutral, 5 - very pleasant | −5 –5 | 1 | Pleasantness |
Identification | For this sound, which noun and verb pair listed best identifies this sound? | Multiple-Choice | Chewing food, Clicking a pen, Fork scraping plate, Nose sniffling, Ringing church bell, Fire alarm ringing, Sink draining, Slurping beverage, Stream flowing, Stirring cereal, Squeezing spray bottle, Tool scraping, Woodpecker tapping, Wind blowing | – | – | – |
The first column displays each of the five survey question sections. The second column for each section displays the primary question asked during the section. The third column shows what type of questions were in the section. The fourth column details the specific answer choice labels provided on the questions to the participant, and the fifth column shows the general rating scale that participants had to choose from. The last two columns describe the number and identity of rating items that were ranked for each sound.