Cetegory |
Description |
Education |
Interventions aimed at educating or informing participants about COVID‐19, COVID‐19 vaccines, benefits of vaccine uptake and other aspects of the pandemic or vaccination. |
Policy interventions |
Interventions that can only be implemented across a whole jurisdiction by policymakers, such as mandatory vaccine policies. |
Communication strategies |
Interventions aiming to persuade people to get vaccinated. This can be in‐person communication but also communication used in different forms of media such as videos or written information. |
Incentives |
Incentives including financial incentives and other, non‐financial, forms of incentives (e.g. food or gift cards)
Sanctions including financial disincentives
Interventions to improve access |
Multidimensional interventions are interventions using more than one strategy. For example, educational interventions and communication strategies can be used together. |