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. 2022 May 13:10.1111/hae.14586. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1111/hae.14586


Details of patients with injection site bleeding (part B)

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
Baseline characteristics
Age, years 58 57 34 57 50 63
Haemophilia HA HA HA HA HB HA
Severity Severe severe severe moderate mild Severe
Inhibitor Never never never never never Never
Body weight, kg 92 72 68 95 95 83
Regular prophylaxis y y Y n n N
Last factor dose administered before 1st/2nd vaccination
Dose, IU/kg 22/22 28/28 44/44 0/0 0/0 36/36
Time, h 17/17 16/13 2/3 2/72
In addition to routine prophylaxis y/y y/y n/n y/n
Bleeds after 1st/2nd vaccination
Local Hematoma y/y y/n y/n y/n n/y n/y
Diameter, cm 5/5 1/‐ 7/‐ 3/‐ ‐/3 ‐/6
Pain score, VAS 1/2 1/‐ 2/‐ 0/‐ ‐/6 ‐/0
Doses for treatment, n 1/1 0/‐ 0/‐ 0/‐ ‐/0 ‐/1

Abbreviations: n, no; P, patient; SHL, standard half‐life factor concentrate; VAS, visual analogue scale; y, yes.