Figure 1.
Cross-fostering of CD1d−/− mice impacts microbiota composition. (a) Schematic of cross-fostering, breeding and housing. (b) 16S bacterial rRNA sequencing was used to define the microbiota profiles of CD1d+/+ and CD1d−/− non-littermate mice prior to cross-fostering (Pre) and CD1d+/+ and CD1d−/− littermate mice post-cross-fostering (Post) (n = 6 to 8 mice per group). These groups were separated by principal coordinates PCo1 and PCo2, collectively explaining 83.4% of the total similarity between samples, based on Bray-Curtis distances. (c) Relative abundance (family level) varied between CD1d+/+ and CD1d−/− mice pre-cross-fostering, as well as between mice pre- and post-cross-fostering. (d) MetagenomeSeq analysis shows the top 10 most enriched OTUs in CD1d−/− mice pre- and post-cross-fostering. Log2 fold-change values are shown.