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. 2022 May 12:10.1111/birt.12646. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1111/birt.12646


Maternal and infant health outcomes of the included VeCaS‐population of women in the COVID‐19 pandemic period (2020) versus the prepandemic period (2019), total n = 5913

2019 2020 Statistical differences between 2019–2020
Total Primiparous Multiparous Total Primiparous Multiparous Total Primiparous Multiparous
n = 2963 n = 1317 n = 1646 n = 2950 n = 1319 n = 1631
100% 44% 56% 100% 45% 55%
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) P‐value * P‐value * P‐value *
Maternal health outcomes
Episiotomy a
No 2101 (82.1) 748 (67.6) 1353 (93.1) 2149 (84.4) 780 (70.5) 1369 (95.0) 0.03 0.141 0.032
Yes 458 (17.9) 358 (32.4) 100 (6.9) 398 (15.6) 326 (29.5) 72 (5.0)
3rd/4th degree tear a
No 2489 (97.2) 1064 (96.1) 1425 (98.1) 2464 (96.7) 1047 (94.7) 1417 (98.3) 0.311 0.141 0.596
Yes 71 (2.8) 43 (3.9) 28 (1.9) 83 (3.3) 59 (5.3) 24 (1.7)
Blood loss after delivery in ml
≤499 2167 (76.5) 894 (71.7) 1273 (80.4) 2155 (77.0) 877 (71.0) 1278 (81.8) 0.816 0.167 0.443
500–999 574 (20.3) 308 (24.7) 266 (16.8) 549 (19.6) 299 (24.2) 250 (16.0)
1000–1999 61 (2.2) 29 (2.3) 32 (2.0) 68 (2.4) 47 (3.8) 21 (1.3)
≥2000 29 (1.0) 16 (1.3) 13 (0.8) 26 (0.9) 12 (1.0) 14 (0.9)
Missing 132 70 62 152 84 68
Infant health outcomes
Gestation at birth
Preterm (<37 weeks) 137 (4.6) 84 (6.4) 53 (3.2) 124 (4.2) 88 (6.7) 36 (2.2)
Extremely preterm (< 28 weeks) 5 (0.2) 4 (0.3) 1 (0.1) 3 (0.1) 2 (0.2) 1 (0.1) 0.431 0.760 0.075
Very preterm (28–31 + 6) 12 (0.4) 5 (0.4) 7 (0.4) 19 (0.6) 14 (1.1) 5 (0.3)
Moderate to late preterm (32–36 + 6) 120 (4.0) 75 (5.7) 45 (2.7) 102 (3.5) 72 (5.5) 30 (1.8)
Term (≥37 weeks) 2826 (95.4) 1233 (93.6) 1593 (96.8) 2826 (95.8) 1231 (93.3) 1595 (97.8)
Term (37–41 + 6) 2779 (93.8) 1206 (91.6) 1573 (95.6) 2787 (94.5) 1205 (91.4) 1582 (97.0)
Post term (≥42 weeks) 47 (1.6) 27 (2.1) 20 (1.2) 39 (1.3) 26 (2.0) 13 (0.8)
Female 1392 (47.3) 621 (47.7) 771 (47.0) 1396 (47.6) 622 (47.8) 774 (47.5) 0.781 0.954 0.749
Male 1552 (52.7) 682 (52.3) 870 (53.0) 1534 (52.4) 680 (52.2) 854 (52.5)
Missing 19 14 5 20 17 3
Birthweight (percentiles) b
<p10 284 (9.8) 187 (14.7) 97 (6.0) 268 (9.3) 175 (13.8) 93 (5.8) 0.517 0.538 0.792
≥p10 2611 (90.2) 1088 (85.3) 1523 (94.0) 2611 (90.7) 1092 (86.2) 1519 (94.2)
Missing 68 42 26 71 52 19
Apgar score after 5 min
0–3 50 (1.7) 31 (2.4) 19 (1.2) 38 (1.3) 16 (1.3) 22 (1.4) 0.437 0.081 0.565
4–6 101 (3.5) 55 (4.3) 46 (2.8) 97 (3.4) 60 (4.7) 37 (2.3)
7–10 2753 (94.8) 1191 (93.3) 1562 (96.0) 2750 (95.3) 1200 (94.0) 1550 (96.3)
Missing 59 40 19 65 43 22
Perinatal mortality (≤28 days postpartum)
No 2924 (99.7) 1291 (99.4) 1633 (99.9) 2917 (99.7) 1297 (99.7) 1620 (99.8) 0.641 0.246 0.409
Yes 10 (0.3) 8 (0.6) 2 (0.1) 8 (0.3) 4 (0.3) 4 (0.2)
Missing 29 18 11 25 18 7

Birthweight in percentiles according to the perined birthweight charts.


The maternal outcomes episiotomy and 3rd and 4th degree tears are calculated for vaginal births only (total population n = 2560 (2019) and n = 2547 (2020). * Values in bold indicate statistically significant results


Values in bold indicate statistically significant results.