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. 2021 Sep 20;148(9):2487–2496. doi: 10.1007/s00432-021-03803-3

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of study population

All cohort (n = 312) RTE high (n = 51) RTE low (n = 261) p
Treatment arm
SIRT (+ Sorafenib) 138 (44.2%) 17 (33.3%) 121 (46.4%) 0.086
Sorafenib 174 (55.8%) 34 (66.7%) 140 (53.6%)
Gender (male) 276 (88.4%) 43 (84.3%) 233 (89.2%) 0.310
Age (> 65 years) 147 (47.1%) 23 (45.1%) 124 (47.5%) 0.752
0 217 (69.5%) 32 (62.7%) 185 (70.9%) 0.201
1&2 92 (29.5%) 19 (37.3%) 73 (28.0%)
Missing 3 (0.9%) 3 (1.1%)
Liver cirrhosis (yes) 250 (80.1%) 43 (84.3%) 207 (79.3%) 0.412
Hepatitis B 33 (10.5%) 7 (13.7%) 26 (9.9%) 0.424
Hepatitis C 73 (23.3%) 15 (29.4%) 58 (22.2%) 0.267
Alcoholic liver disease 133 (42.6%) 21 (41.1%) 112 (42.9%) 0.818
Lesion diameter > 65 mm 87 (27.8%) 17 (33.3%) 70 (26.8%) 0.342
Portal vein infiltration 131 (42.0%) 21 (41.2%) 110 (42.1%) 0.897
Extrahepatic spread 65 (20.8%) 13 (25.4%) 52 (19.9%) 0.370
A 289 (92.6%) 47 (92.1%) 242 (92.7%) 0.776
B 23 (7.4%) 4 (7.9%) 19 (7.3%)
A&B 100 (32.1%) 15 (29.4%) 85 (32.6%) 0.658
C 212 (67.9%) 36 (70.6%) 176 (67.4%)
AFP ≥ 400 113 (36.2%) 17 (33.3%) 96 (36.7%) 0.495
ALBI grade 0.282
1 153 (49.0%) 22 (43.1%) 131 (50.1%)
2 153 (49.0%) 29 (56.9%) 124 (47.5%)
Missing 6 (1.9%) 6 (2.3%)

AFP alfa-fetoprotein, ALBI albumin–bilirubin, BCLC Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer, CI confidence interval, ECOG-PS Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Score, HR hazard ratio, PVI portal vein invasion