Table 1.
Author (year) | Age | Sex | History of DM (type) | Negative symptoms | Positive symptoms | Glucose serum levels (mg/dL) | HbA1c (mmol/mol) | Serum hosmolarity (mOsm/L) | Blood pressure at the admission (SBP/DBP) | MRI (timing: days after symptom onset) | Perfusion (technique) | EEG (timing: days after symptom onset) | Outcome (symptom duration) |
Our patient (2021) | 77 | F | Yes (AODM) | Right TACI syndrome | Visual hallucinations | 542 | 93 | 303 | ↑ SBP and DBP (220/110 mmHg) |
↑DWI, ↓ADC, ↓FLAIR (2 days) Follow-up: NA |
Negative (CT) | Right hemisphere slow wave activity (2 days) | Complete recovery (3 days) |
Kobayashi (2021) [7] | 68 | M | Yes (AODM) | Left hemianopia | No | 524 | 170 | NA | ↑DBP (136/96 mmHg) |
↑DWI, ↓FLAIR (30 days) MRS: ↓NAA, ↑choline levels Follow-up: NA |
NA | Normal (30 days) | Partial recovery |
Xiang et al. (2021) [14] | 54 | M | No | Right hemianopia | Visual hallucinations | 645 | 134 | 297 | NA |
↓ADC, ↓FLAIR, mild PCA stenosis (7 days) Follow-up (1.5 years): temporal-occipital atrophy |
Lesional hypoperfusion (MRI) | Diffuse (bilateral) slow wave activity (7 days) | Complete recovery (NA) |
Da Paz et al. (2021) [12] | 68 | M | Yes (AODM) | Left TACI syndrome | No | 600 | NA | NA | NA | Normal (≤ 1 day) | ↑Time to peak and normal blood volume (ischemic penumbra) of entire left hemisphere (CT) | Left hemisphere slow ways activity (NA) | Complete recovery (3 days) |
Kashani et al. (2020) [20] | 53 | M | No | Left hemianopia | No | 630 | 132 | 322 | ↑ SBP (150/84 mmHg) | Normal (NA) | NA | Normal (NA) | Complete recovery (7 days) |
Legua Koc et al. (2020) [18] | 66 | M | Yes (AODM) | Left PACI syndrome | No | 936 | 121 | 331 | ↑ SBP and DBP (181/108 mmHg) | Normal (NA) | NA | Normal (NA) | Complete recovery (2 days) |
Lee et al. (2020) [19] | 59 | M | No | Left hemianopia | Visual hallucinations | 307 | 121 | 307 | NA |
↓FLAIR, Gd + (NA) Follow-up (1 month): decreased gyral swelling and Gd enhancement |
NA | Normal (NA) | Complete recovery (30 days) |
Bala et al. (2020) [15] | 55 | M | Yes (AODM) | Right hemianopia | No | 497 | NA | NA | NA |
↑DWI, ↓ADC, ↓FLAIR (NA) Follow-up (3 months): normal |
NA | Normal (3 days) | Complete recovery (NA) |
Lee et al. (2016) [17] | 45 | M | Yes (AODM) | Left PACI syndrome | No | 471 | 149 | 312 | ↑ SBP and DBP (170/99 mmHg) | Normal (5 days) | NA | Diffuse (bilateral) slow wave activity (5 days) | Complete recovery (2 days) |
Strowd et al. (2014) [6] | 32 | F | Yes (AODM) | Left hemianopia | No | 541 | 124 | NA | ↑ SBP (160/89 mmHg) |
↑ DWI, normal ADC, ↓FLAIR, Gd + (≤ 1 day) Follow-up: NA |
NA | Rhythmic right temporal slow wave activity (1 day) | Persistence of left hemianopia (evolution in temporal-occipital atrophy) |
41 | F | Yes (AODM) | Left hemianopia | No | 306 | 108 | NA | ↑ SBP (144/67 mmHg) |
↑DWI, ↓ADC, ↓FLAIR, Gd + (NA) Follow-up: NA |
NA | Left hemisphere slow wave activity (NA) | Complete recovery (10 days) | |
Shah et al. (2014) [13] | 67 | F | Yes (AODM) | Left PACI syndrome | No | 825 | NA | NA | NA | Normal (1 day) | Small area with ↑time to peak, ↑mean transit time, and normal blood volume (ischemic penumbra) in the ipsilateral hemisphere (CT) | Left hemisphere slow wave activity (1 day) | Complete recovery (1 day) |
Guez et al. (2014) [11] | 61 | F | No | Left hemianopia | No | 943 | NA | 341 | Normal (130/50 mmHg) |
↑DWI, ↓ADC, ↓FLAIR (5 day) MRS: ↑cerebral metabolites; no changes in lipids, lactate, glucose, or ketone peaks Follow-up (3 weeks): persistence of mild occipital FLAIR hyperintensities |
NA | Right hemisphere slow wave activity (6 days) | Complete recovery (3 days) |
Raghavendra et al. (2007) [9] | 42 | F | Yes (AODM) | Right hemianopia | Visual hallucinations, focal temporal seizures | 324 | NA | 317 | NA |
↓FLAIR (NA) Follow-up (3 years): mild left peritrigonal white matter loss |
NA | Right parieto-temporal slow wave activity (NA) | Complete recovery (10 days) |
45 | M | Yes (AODM) | Right hemianopia | Focal motor seizures | 314 | NA | 312 | NA |
↑DWI, ↓FLAIR, Gd + (NA) Follow-up (6 weeks): focal cortical gliosis |
NA | Normal (NA) | Complete recovery (1 day) | |
Lavin et al. (2005) [8] | 39 | M | No | Left hemianopia | Visual hallucinations | 503 | NA | 313 | NA |
↑DWI, ↓FLAIR, Gd + (NA) Follow-up: NA |
NA | Left hemisphere slow wave activity (1 day) | Complete recovery (3 days) |
34 | M | Yes (AODM) | Right hemianopia + hemineglect | Focal motor seizures | 427 | NA | 300 | NA |
↑DWI, ↓FLAIR, Gd + (NA) Follow-up: NA |
NA | Left hemisphere slow wave activity (7 days) | Partial recovery (persistence of difficulty in distinguishing colors) | |
Brazis et al. (2000) [16] | 75 | M | No | Left hemianopia | Visual hallucinations | 701 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Diffuse (bilateral) slow wave activity (3 days) | Complete recovery (2 days) |
Maccario et al. (1968) [3] | 73 | M | No | Left PACI syndrome + right hemianopia | No | 750 | NA | 399 | Normal (100/80 mmHg) | NA | NA | Diffuse (bilateral) slow wave activity (21 days) | Complete recovery (3 days) |
Abbreviations: ADC apparent diffusion coefficient; AODM adult-onset diabetes mellitus; CT computed tomography; DBP diastolic blood pressure; DWI diffusion-weighted imaging; EEG electroencephalography; F female; FLAIR fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; Gd gadolinium; HbA1c glycated albumin; M male; MRI magnetic resonance imaging; MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy; NA not available; PACI/TACI partial/total anterior circulation infarct, according to Bamford et al. [10]; SBP systolic blood pressure; TCD transcranial Doppler