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. 2022 Mar 7;306(2):513–521. doi: 10.1007/s00404-022-06457-9

Table 2.

Number and share of patients with specific ICD-10-GM diagnosis as disease during follow-up within two years

ICD-10-GM Codes Description Baseline (365 days before diagnosis) Follow-up (total)
Total population Cohort with HRT Cohort without HRT Total population Cohort with HRT Cohort without HRT
N = 82,785 N = 17,160 N = 65,625 N = 82,619 N = 17,160 N = 65,459
N % N % N % N % N % N %
A The comorbidities were assigned based on categories of menopause rating scale II (MRS II):
 Physical disabilities (somatoforme-vegetative disorders)
  M54 Back pain 32,731 39.5 7,741 45.1 24,990 38.1 44,697 54.1 10,313 60.1 34,384 52.5
  N95111 Conditions related to menopause and climacteric (inc. symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, headache, poor concentration associated with menopause) 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 18,043 21.8 5,230 30.5 12,813 19.6
  G43 Migraine 7,432 9.0 1,840 10.7 5,592 8.5 9,278 11.2 2,288 13.3 6,990 10.7
  M25.5 Joint pain 6,563 7.9 1,619 9.4 4,944 7.5 12,696 15.4 2,952 17.2 9,744 14.9
  G47 sleep disorders 5,022 6.1 1,295 7.5 3,727 5.7 9,515 11.5 2,497 14.6 7,018 10.7
  R51 Headache 4,480 5.4 1,098 6.4 3,382 5.2 7,700 9.3 1,905 11.1 5,795 8.9
  R42 Dizziness 4,393 5.3 1,069 6.2 3,324 5.1 8,255 10.0 1,994 11.6 6,261 9.6
  G44 Other headache syndromes 2,309 2.8 585 3.4 1,724 2.6 3,547 4.3 916 5.3 2,631 4.0
  F51 Non-organic sleep disorders 890 1.1 232 1.4 658 1.0 2,188 2.6 578 3.4 1,610 2.5
  R61 Hyperhidrosis 729 0.9 197 1.1 532 0.8 1,759 2.1 485 2.8 1,274 1.9
  F45.40 Persistent somatoform pain disorder 716 0.9 212 1.2 504 0.8 1,452 1.8 383 2.2 1,069 1.6
  H81.3 Other peripheral dizziness 302 0.4 75 0.4 227 0.3 488 0.6 109 0.6 379 0.6
  H82 Vertigo Syndromes in Diseases Classified Elsewhere 39 0.05 13 0.1 26 0.04 73 0.1 19 0.1 54 0.1
 Mental and behavioral disorders
  F43 Reactions to severe stress and adjustment disorders 8,025 9.7 1,862 10.9 6,163 9.4 14,422 17.5 3,409 19.9 11,013 16.8
  F48.0 Neurasthenia 3,885 4.7 912 5.3 2,973 4.5 6,644 8.0 1,531 8.9 5,113 7.8
  R53 Malaise and fatigue 3,571 4.3 796 4.6 2,775 4.2 7,249 8.8 1,674 9.8 5,575 8.5
  Z73 Problems related to difficulty coping with life 1,820 2.2 403 2.3 1,417 2.2 3,458 4.2 871 5.1 2,587 4.0
  R45 Symptoms affecting mood 1,518 1.8 369 2.2 1,149 1.8 2,976 3.6 759 4.4 2,217 3.4
  G93.3 chronic fatigue syndrome 240 0.3 57 0.3 183 0.3 505 0.6 115 0.7 390 0.6
  F38 Other mood disorders 48 0.1 13 0.1 35 0.1 109 0.1 27 0.2 82 0.1
  F06.6 Organic, emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder 19 0.02 6 0.03 13 0.02 31 0.04 6 0.03 25 0.04
B. Diseases of the genitourinary system
 L85.3 Xeros Cutis (inkl, Xerodermie—trockene Haut) 350 0.4 84 0.5 266 0.4 848 1.0 192 1.1 656 1.0
 F52.0 Lack or loss of sexual desire 173 0.2 39 0.2 134 0.2 674 0.8 238 1.4 436 0.7
 F52.1 Sexual aversion and lack of sexual satisfaction  < 5  < 5  < 5  < 5  < 5  < 5 20 0.02 7 0.04 13 0.02

1N95.1 Coding was excluded in baseline