Fig. 5. Alternating spatial clonal dominance pattern.
MRI images for patient #23 at baseline and at two follow-up time points, as well as the corresponding mock phylogenetic tree. In this patient, unique subclones were seen at distinct locations after relapse. The boxes show the proportion of detected subclones, with each subclone having a distinct color. Dashed lines illustrate the origin/relationship of subclones/branches. For instance, the subclones belonging to the “pink” and “green” branch are interconnected by a pink and green dashed line, respectively. Known myeloma drivers are marked in bold. The tree is aligned with the functional imaging plots and as such, the length of branches does not indicate the extent of subclonal differences. A timeline of treatment and sampling alongside a detailed mock oncogenetic tree is shown in Suppl. Fig. 25. VGPR very good partial remission, CR complete remission. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.