Shown are geometric mean concentration (GMC) in the per‐protocol set for sVNTw responses (panel a), S1w IgG responses (panel b) and RBDw IgG responses (panel c) at Days 0 and 14 (14 days after the booster dose). Antibody values below the LLOQ were replaced by 0.5 × LLOQ. The 95% CI was calculated based on the t‐distribution of the log‐transformed values for GMC and GM levels, then back‐transformed to the original scale for presentation. CI, confidence interval; RBDw, receptor‐binding domain (W subscript refers to the Wuhan‐Hu‐1 strain); S1w, S1w part of the spike protein (W subscript refers to the Wuhan‐Hu‐1 strain); sVNTw, surrogate virus‐neutralizing test (W subscript refers to the Wuhan‐Hu‐1 strain).