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. 2022 Jul 27:10.1111/ene.15497. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1111/ene.15497


Demographic, clinical features, electrodiagnosis and laboratory findings of COVID‐19‐positive GBS patients versus total COVID‐19‐negative patients

2020–2021 COVID‐19‐positive GBS (63), % (no.) COVID‐19‐negative GBS (149), % (no.) p
Gender 74.6 (47) male 62.4 (93) male 0.11
25.4 (16) female 37.6 (56) female
Age 63.30 ± 14.45 years (range 24–94) 58.17 ± 17.52 years (range 18–85) 0.08
Neurological findings
Consciousness Alert 73 (46) Alert 95.3 (142) <0.001*
Unresponsive 14.3 (9) Unresponsive 1.3 (2) <0.001*
Delirium 12.7 (8) Delirium 3.4 (5) <0.001*
MRC sum score 34.7 ± 17.6 47.71 ± 12.14 <0.001*
Motor impairment Upper proximal weakness 61.9 (39) Upper proximal weakness 38.3(57) 0.001*
Upper distal weakness 66.7 (42) Upper distal weakness 58.4(87) 0.41
Upper limb asymmetry 14.3 (9) Upper limb asymmetry 13.4 (20) 0.83
Lower proximal weakness 85.7 (54) Lower proximal weakness 67.8 (101) 0.007*
Lower distal weakness 90.5 (57) Lower distal weakness 79.2 (118) 0.05
Lower limb asymmetry 19 (12) Lower limb asymmetry 20.8 (31) 0.85
Sensory impairment Upper limb hypoesthesia 28.5 (18) Upper limb hypoesthesia 28.8 (43) 0.73
Lower limb hypoesthesia 49.2 (31) Lower limb hypoesthesia 46.3 (69) 0.86
Upper limb paresthesia 36.5 (23) Upper limb paresthesia 53(79) 0.20
Lower limb paresthesia 46 (29) Lower limb paresthesia 61.7 (92) 0.26
Pain 27.4 (17) Pain 30.2 (45) 0.37
Hypo/areflexia 98.4 (62) 95.3 (142) 0.32
Cranial neuropathies
Olfactory 31.7 (20) 0.7 (1) <0.001*
Oculomotor nerves 12.7 (8) 16.1 (24) 0.67
Facial nerve Unilateral 25.4 (16) Unilateral 15.4 (23) 0.41
Bilateral 11.1 (7) Bilateral 12.1 (18) 0.92
Bulbar nerves 20.6 (13) 9.4 (14) 0.12
Blood pressure Normal 46 (29) Normal 81.8 (122) 0.001*
Hypotension 46 (29) Hypotension 16.8 (25) 0.001*
Hypertension 8 (5) Hypertension 1.3 (2) 0.002*
Heart rate Normal 76.2 (48) Normal 93.4 (140) 0.001*
Tachycardia/bradycardia 23.8 (15) Tachycardia/bradycardia 6.6 (9) 0.001*
Clinical diagnosis Classical GBS 88.8 (56) Classical GBS 85.9 (128) 0.11
Miller Fisher syndrome 3.2 (2) Miller Fisher syndrome 10.8 (16)
Facial diplegia 1.6 (1) Facial diplegia 1.3 (2)
Pure sensory form 1.6 (1) Pure sensory form 0.7 (1)
Pure motor form 1.6 (1) Pure motor form 0 (0)
Pharyngeal‐cervical‐brachial 3.2 (2) Pharyngeal‐cervical‐brachial 1.3 (2)
Electrodiagnosis AIDP 76.2 (48) AIDP 49.6 (74) 0.018*
AMAN 7.9 (5) AMAN 15.4 (23)
AMSAN 4.8 (3) AMSAN 6 (9)
Equivocal 9.5 (6) Equivocal 22.2 (33)
Normal 1.6 (1) Normal 6.8 (10)
CSF findings Increased proteins/normal cells 61.2 (32) Increased proteins/normal cells 61.1 (69) 0.99
Normal 38.8 (19) Normal 38.2 (44)
Brighton criteria Level 1, 42.9 (27) Level 1, 46.3 (69) 0.15
Level 2, 55.6 (35) Level 2, 49.7 (74)
Not classifiable 1.6 (1) Level 3, 4 (6)
Hughes disability score during hospitalization 3.76 ± 1.13 3.03 ± 1.12 <0.001*
Hughes disability score at discharge 3.15 ± 1.27 2.19 ± 1.29 <0.001*
ICU admission 49.2 (31) 14.7 (22) <0.001*
Comorbidities Obesity 25.4 (16) Obesity 22.1 (33) 0.06
Neoplasms 7.9 (5) Neoplasms 8.7 (13) 0.52
Pulmonary disease 9.5 (6) Pulmonary disease 6.0 (9) 0.28
Diabetes 23.8 (15) Diabetes 14.8 (22) 0.16
Hypertension 46 (29) Hypertension 39.6 (59) 0.76
Cardiovascular disease 23.8 (15) Cardiovascular disease 12.8 (19) 0.09
Plasma exchange 4.8 (3) 6.0 (9) 0.99
IVIGs 85.7 (54) 91.3 (136) 0.05
No treatment 9.6 (6) 2.6 (4) 0.12
Response to treatment Yes 77.8 (49) Yes 86.5 (129) 0.25

Abbreviations: AIDP, acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy; AMAN, acute motor axonal neuropathy; AMSAN, acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy; COVID, coronavirus disease; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; GBS, Guillain–Barré syndrome; ICU, intensive care unit; IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; MRC, Medical Research Council.

Bold values and * indicate statistically significant (< 0.05).