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. 2022 Jun 23:10.1111/josi.12507. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1111/josi.12507


Demographic information of men and women in all countries

Germany India Nigeria South Africa
Men (N = 89) Women (N = 143) Men (N = 102) Women (N = 94) Men (N = 105) Women (N = 91) Men (N = 98) Women (N = 101)
Age 35.60 (9.53) 31.33 (8.43) 40.21 (11.58) 37.62 (13.25) 38.80 (8.89) 37.24 (7.74) 42.98 (11.6) 42.99 (10.93)
Marital status (married) 42.70 32.87 90.20 90.43 87.62 92.31 88.78 92.08
Degree attained
No academic degree 22.47 6.99 4.90 6.38 3.81 3.30 17.35 8.91
Some college 26.97 20.98 1.96 1.06 .95 3.30 7.14 6.93
College degree or higher 50.56 72.03 93.14 92.55 95.24 93.41 75.51 84.16
Children (1 = Yes) 40.45 26.57 67.65 55.32 72.38 79.12 61.22 71.29
Number of children
Zero 56.18 73.43 31.37 43.62 26.67 19.78 39.80 28.71
One child 31.46 10.49 36.27 28.72 23.81 15.38 18.37 22.77
Two children 10.11 11.89 26.47 26.60 17.14 28.57 31.63 31.68
Three children 1.12 4.20 1.96 1.06 19.05 17.58 10.20 13.86
Four and above 1.12 3.92 13.33 18.68 2.97
Identifies as risk group (1 = Yes) 13.48 18.88 16.67 17.02 6.67 24.18 21.43 23.76
Receives short‐term government subsidy (1 = Yes) 22.47 18.88 10.78 6.38 8.57 8.79 11.22 5.94
Does not apply 2.25 3.50 23.53 29.79 14.29 10.99 14.29 11.88
Lockdown restrictions
Partial lockdown 94.38 76.92 16.67 25.53 20 30.77 4.08
Total lockdown 5.62 23.08 83.33 74.47 80.00 69.23 95.92 100.00
Change in lockdown restrictions
No change 12.36 4.20 2.94 2.13 4.40 1.02 .99
Gotten stricter 31.46 3.50 13.73 11.70 5.71 6.59 2.04 1.98
Gotten relaxed 49.44 85.31 79.41 77.66 94.29 89.01 94.90 96.04
Does not apply 6.74 7.00 3.92 8.51 2.04 .99
Employment during the lockdown
Fulltime 70.79 48.25 65.69 52.13 61.90 59.34 67.35 64.36
Self employed 10.11 4.90 21.57 10.64 25.71 29.67 25.51 16.83
In education 12.36 30.07 5.88 7.45 8.57 2.20 3.06 3.96
Unemployed 2.10 2.94 14.89 2.86 5.49 2.04
Stay at home parent 1.12 4.20 .98 13.83 3.30 1.02 9.90
Others 5.62 10.49 2.94 1.06 .95 1.02 4.95
Employed in essential services (1 = Yes) 26.97 38.46 20.59 17.02 20.00 19.78 32.65 20.79
Does not apply 2.10 .98 5.32 4.76 2.20 3.06

Note. Means and standard deviations are only reported for continuous variables. All other variables are reported in percentages.