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. 2022 Jul 26:e14911. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1111/dme.14911


Factors associated with impaired diabetes self‐management

Regressors DSMQ global Diet control Physical activity Physician contact Glucose monitoring
β p‐value β p‐value β p‐value β p‐value β p‐value
Intercept 1 −0.482 0.784 1.694 0.332 −1.592 0.384 0.482 0.772 −0.123 0.942
Intercept 2 0.490 0.781 2.858 0.103 −0.500 0.784 1.686 0.311 0.933 0.577
C‐19 ASS A −0.112 0.021 −0.034 0.482 0.036 0.443 −0.103 0.026 −0.042 0.352
C‐19 ASS P 0.046 0.098 −0.011 0.693 −0.021 0.441 0.093 0.001 0.016 0.558
WI‐7 0.067 0.028 0.054 0.075 0.045 0.129 0.093 0.002 −0.036 0.221
PHQ‐9 0.130 0.001 0.135 0.001 0.106 0.007 0.121 0.001 0.013 0.720
Women 0.238 0.826 −0.672 0.528 1.276 0.273 −1.107 0.271 1.282 0.231
Age −0.007 0.694 −0.018 0.304 0.036 0.064 −0.025 0.130 −0.010 0.584
Index of multiple deprivation 4.04 × 10 −5 0.038 3.05 × 10 −5 0.123 1.56 × 10 −5 0.419 1.30 × 10 −5 0.483 2.99 × 10 −5 0.112
Type 1 diabetes −0.623 0.256 −0.096 0.859 0.488 0.447 −0.251 0.639 −0.507 0.371
Type 2 diabetes 0.207 0.714 −0.797 0.174 1.543 0.019 −0.276 0.618 1.424 0.016
Psychiatric medication use 0.685 0.192 1.402 0.006 0.364 0.463 −1.432 0.009 0.324 0.516
Cardiovascular disease presence −0.385 0.481 −0.911 0.120 −0.542 0.296 0.192 0.709 0.276 0.593
Number of microvascular complications 0.170 0.289 −0.101 0.549 −0.023 0.881 0.374 0.017 0.101 0.498

Note: Multivariate regression analysis using a proportional odds model to identify independent associations of impaired diabetes self‐management in all participants with diabetes (n = 314 included for whom data set was complete). Participants were stratified based on DSMQ scores relative to the entire sample: low DSMQ (bottom 30%), middle DSMQ (mid 30%) and high DSMQ scores (upper 40%). To identify the main determinants of impaired diabetes self‐management, we used the ‘low DSMQ score group’ as the dependent variable. Therefore, a positive regression estimate indicates that the variable is associated with worse diabetes self‐care and vice versa. In the case of missing values, data in that row were not analysed (55 participants had missing data and thus were excluded). p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Abbreviations: C‐19 ASS, Covid‐19 Anxiety Syndrome Scale (subscores—A, avoidance; P, perseveration); DSMQ, Diabetes Self‐Management Questionnaire; PHQ‐9, Patient Health Questionnaire‐9; WI‐7, 7‐item Whiteley Index.