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. 2022 Jun 27:10.1111/andr.13209. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1111/andr.13209


Median differences between T1, T2 and T3 versus T0 1 first sample per donor in each time frame 2

Median 25 quadrantile 75th percentile p‐Value
Semen volume (ml) T0‐T1 0 −0.94 −0.45 0.29
T0‐T2 0.2 −0.4 −0.8 0.16
T0‐T3 −0.05 −0.5 −0.52 0.63
Sperm concentration (X 106/ml) T0‐T1 12.5 −10 27.25 0.09
T0‐T2 12 −8 31 0.02
T0‐T3 3.5 −15.5 27.5 0.4
Sperm motility (%) 3 , 4 T0‐T1 −5 −9.25 5 0.62
T0‐T2 5 −6 10 0.59
T0‐T3 0 −5 11 0.44
Total motile count (X 106) T0‐T1 9.8 −23.2 −24.1 0.36
T0‐T2 31.2 2.5 57.8 0.002
T0‐T3 4.48 −18.3 48.6 0.39

T0 – pre‐vaccination baseline control; T1, T2 and T3 – short, intermediate and long‐term evaluations after 15–45, 75–125 and over 145 days after the vaccination date, respectively.


Samples sizes: 28, 29 and 22 SD for T1, T2 and T3 comparisons, respectively.


Progressive and non‐progressive.


Wilcoxon for all variables except motility, which was compared by t‐test.