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. 2022 Aug 2;8(2):20551169221106721. doi: 10.1177/20551169221106721

Table 1.

Case summaries

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Signalment 3-year-old MN DSH 15-year-old FS DSH 1.75-year-old FS DSH
Presenting clinical signs Blepharospasm, anisocoria, lethargy Rapid-onset cataracts, 6 months after diagnosis of intestinal lymphoma Upper respiratory signs, ocular discharge, cloudy opacity OS
Description of initial cataract Focal anterior cortical cataracts OU (see Figure 1) Immature cataracts OU Incipient peripheral cortical cataracts OU (see Figure 2)
Degree of uveitis at presentation Mild corneal edema OU, moderate keratic precipitates OU, aqueous flare OU (trace OD and 1/4+ OS) No flare, rubeosis or episcleral injection OU • OD: no aqueous flare, mild keratic precipitates
• OS: rubeosis iridis, 3–4/4+ aqueous flare, keratic precipitates
IOP, lowest to highest • 16–37 mmHg OD
• 8–44 mmHg OS
• 9–70 mmHg OD
• 3–56 mmHg OS
• 11–30 mmHg OD
• 15–62 mmHg OS
Systemic testing: negative, normal results • CBC and serum chemistry
• Seronegative: T gondii IgG/IgM, FIV, FeLV antigen (IDEXX Reference Laboratory)
• Upper respiratory PCR panel (IDEXX Reference Laboratory): C felis, feline calicivirus, M felis and influenza A
• Thoracic radiographs
• Aqueous humor PCR was negative: FHV-1, FCoV, FeLV, Bartonella species, C neoformans, T gondii, FIV
• Normal cytology of a mesenteric lymph node
• FIP PCR (blood): negative
• Seronegative: FeLV/FIV/T gondii
• FCoV IFA <1:400
• Seronegative: FIV, coronavirus (T gondii), C neoformans (Antech Diagnostics)
Systemic testing positive results • FCoV titer 1:3200
• C neoformans titer 1:8
• B henselae and B clarridgeiae titer =1:128
• Fecal testing positive: Giardia (ELISA), T foetus, Cryptosporidium species, Giardia species, FCoV and C perfringens alpha toxin gene (PCR; IDEXX Reference Laboratory)
• Upper respiratory PCR panel, FHV-1 positive at 0.160 thousands/swab (latent infection; IDEXX Reference Laboratory)
• Abdominal ultrasound (splenomegaly and mild mesenteric lymphadenopathy)
• Repeat coronavirus titer 1:1600
NA • Bartonella species = 4+ strong positive (Western blot, National Veterinary Laboratory)
• FeLV-positive (Antech Diagnostics)
Systemic diagnoses • FCoV
• Bartonella species serologic positive
• Cryptococcosis
• FHV-1
• Giardiasis
• T foetus infection
• Cryptosporidiosis
• Intestinal lymphoma
• FHV-1 (suspected, not confirmed)
• FeLV
• Bartonella species serologic positive
Medical treatment for E cuniculi Fenbendazole 50 mg/kg PO q24h for 3 weeks, repeated twice Fenbendazole 70 mg/kg PO q24h for 3 weeks Fenbendazole 50 mg/kg PO q24h for 10 days (multiple courses)
Surgical treatment • Phacoemulsification OU
• Intraocular lens OS
• Phacoemulsification OU
• Intraocular lens OU
• Endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation OU
• Enucleation OS
Glaucoma treatment • 2% dorzolamide/0.5% timolol OU q12h
• 2% dorzolamide OU q8h
• 2% dorzolamide OU q12h–q6h
• Methazolamide 7.5 mg PO q24h
• 0.5% timolol OU q12h
• Methazolamide (Wedgewood Compounding Pharmacy) 15 mg PO q24h–q12h
Uveitis treatment • Onsior (robenacoxib; Elanco)
• Diclofenac 0.1% ophthalmic solution (Bausch and Lomb) OU q12h
• Topical 1% prednisolone acetate suspension (Pacific Pharma) OU q24h–q12h
• 0.1% nepafenac ophthalmic suspension (Nevanac Alcon) OU q24h–q6h
• Neomycin polymyxin B sulfates and dexamethasone OU three times weekly
• 1% prednisolone acetate OU q8h
• Dexamethasone 0.1% (Bausch and Lomb) OS q24h–q12h
Keratitis treatment • Bacitracin neomycin gentamicin ophthalmic ointment (AC Pharmaceuticals) OU q8h
• Famciclovir (Neogen) 250 mg PO q6h
• Ofloxacin 0.3% OU q24h
• Optixcare (Optixcare Eye Lube Plus; Aventix) OU q12h
• 0.5% cidofovir (Wedgewood Compounding Pharmacy) OU q12h
• 0.5% cidofovir OU q12h
• Famciclovir 125 mg PO q12h-q8h
• Remend corneal repair gel (Elanco) OU q8h
• Ofloxacin 0.3% OU q6h
• 5% NaCl ophthalmic ointment OU q6h
• Autologous serum OU q6h
• 2% ciclosporin aqueous (for stromal keratitis; Stokes Compounding Pharmacy) OU q24h
• Buprenorphine 0.005–0.01 mg/kg transbuccal q8h
Medical treatment for other conditions • Fluconazole 10.7 mg/kg PO q12h
• Doxycycline 4.3 mg/kg PO q12h for 3 weeks
• Ronidazole (for diarrhea)
• Buprenorphine (0.5 mg/ml; Hikma)
• Prednisolone 5 mg PO q24h
• Chlorambucil 2 mg PO q12h for four doses q2weeks
• Vitamin B12/cobalamin 250 µg monthly
• SC fluids for hyporexia
• Doxycycline (Road Runner Compounding Pharmacy) 6 mg/kg PO q12h for 25 days (multiple courses)
• Oral pradofloxacin (Veraflox; Elanco)
• Prednisolone 1 mg PO EOD
Duration of follow-up 1.4 years post-phacoemulsification 1 year post-phacoemulsification 6 years after initial examination, 5.5 years post-enucleation OS
Outcome • OS: pseudophakic
• OD: aphakic
• OU: menace and PLR positive, comfortable, no aqueous flare, mild capsular opacity, numerous, punctate, gray, slightly hyporeflective retinal lesions
• IOP 18/17 mmHg OD/OS
• OU: pseudophakic, menace negative but patient navigated the room well, PLR and dazzle positive, comfortable, no flare, mild retinal degeneration
• IOP 24/25 mmHg OD/OS
• OS: enucleation
• OD: mature cataract menace negative, positive PLR and dazzle, mild keratic precipitates and rubeosis iridis, no aqueous flare, fluorescein negative
• IOP 21 mmHg

MN = male neutered; DSH = domestic shorthair; FS = female spayed; IOP = intraocular pressure; CBC = complete blood count; T gondii = Toxoplasma gondii; FIV = feline immunodeficiency virus; FeLV = feline leukemia virus; C felis = Chlamydophila felis; M felis = Mycoplasma felis; FHV-1 = feline herpesvirus-1; FCoV = feline coronavirus; C neoformans = Cryptococcus neoformans; FIP = feline infectious peritonitis; IFA = immunofluorescence; B henselae = Bartonella henselae; B clarridgeiae = Bartonella clarridgeiae; T foetus = Tritrichomonas foetus; C perfringens = Clostridium perfringens; NA = not available; E cuniculi = Encephalitozoon cuniculi; SC = subcutaneous; EOD = every other day; PLR = pupillary light reflex