Figure 4. Factor XII/Pro-HGFA Chimeras.
(A) Schematic diagrams for FXII, Pro-HGFA and FXII with domains replaced with corresponding domains from Pro-HGFA. Domain abbreviations are explained in the legend for figure 2. (B&C) Reciprocal activation of FXII and PK. (B) PK (60 nM) was mixed with 12.5 nM FXII, HGFAHC/FXIILC, or ΔFXII (left panel) or FXII-Lys253 (right panel), and 200 mM chromogenic substrate S-2302 at 37°C. Changes in OD of 405 nm were continuously monitored on a spectrophotometer. (C) Reactions set up as in panel B, except that FXII/Pro-HGFA chimeras were used in place of FXII. Data are from reference 2.