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. 2022 Aug 4;23:750. doi: 10.1186/s12891-022-05698-8

Table 2.

Relationships between bone surface and implant-to-bone surface area ratio and subsidence, including age as a covariate to control for the confounding variable

Parameter Subsidence Marginal mean (SE) B SE 95% CI for B t p
No Yes
Bone Surfacea 3.93 (0.065) 4.53 (0.147) 0.597 0.161 (0.278-0.197) 3.72 0.0004
Implant-to-bone surface ratio areab 0.412 (0.0066) 0.361 (0.0149) - 0.05 0.0164 (-0.084 --0.019) -3.12 0.0025

Key to abbreviations and symbols:

aR2 for the model 0.189;

bR2 for the model 0.15;

B linear regression coefficient estimate, SE Standard error of the estimate, CI Confidence interval, t t statistics for the linear regression, p two-tailed test probability for t-test statistic;

Underline marks significant associations for p < α = 0.05